
The Southern Harz Kyffhäuser makes hikers' hearts beat faster! Discover our quality hiking trails, winding paths, enchanted forests and impressive views!

Hiking with quality

Five certified quality hiking trails are waiting to be discovered

On the five certified quality hiking trails you will experience a high diversity of different natural areas. Where the Südharzer Dampflok Steig (South Harz Steam Locomotive Trail) winds its way out of the Harz Mountains into the South Harz Karst Landscape and meets the Karst Hiking Trail, where the Kyffhäuser Trail leads through Germany's smallest low mountain range and where you walk through old beech forests on two quality trails in the Hohe Schrecke, there is a lot to discover.


Harz Hiking Needle

222 stamps in the whole Harz, 14 of them in the region Südharz Kyffhäuser. On the way to the Harzer Wanderkaiser you will discover great views, insights and things you may not have seen before at the stamp sites.



Wer nicht auf eigene Faust die Landeshauptstadt erkunden möchte, der schließt sich einer Führung an. Regelmäßig stehen klassische Rund- gänge durchs historische Zentrum auf dem Programm bei denen die Geschichte Erfurts lebendig wird. Mit dem iGuide oder dem VideoGuide kann man die Stadt multimedial entdecken.

Our hiking trails

Hiking with family

On the way with the kids you usually do not run such long distances. Here you can find our offers up to 7km length.

Half days hiking

Hike half the day and then do something else. For this, the tours from 7 to 16km in length are the right thing.

Full days hiking

Be on the road for a whole day or even several days. This is also possible with us in the southern Harz Kyffhäuser.